Boxing vs Wrestling: Which Is Better for Self-defense?

When it comes to self-defense, there are many different options to choose
from. You can learn how to box, wrestle, or do a combination of both. So,
which is better? Boxing or wrestling? In this article, we will compare the two
and discuss the pros and cons of each.

The Differences Between Boxing and Wrestling 

-Boxing is a stand-up sport that involves two opponents punching each other with gloved hands. 

-Wrestling is a grappling sport that involves two opponents trying to take each other down to the ground.

-In boxing, punches are the only way to score points. In wrestling, points can be scored by takedowns, pins, and submissions.

– Boxing is considered to be more of a striking sport while wrestling is considered to be more of a grappling sport.

Which Has a Higher Injury Rate?

Both sports involve two opponents engaged in physical combat, and both can be extremely dangerous. In fact, a variety of studies have shown that both boxing and wrestling have high injury rates. 

According to Thefightersgear One study of amateur boxers found that nearly 10% of participants sustained an injury during their bouts, while another study of professional wrestlers found that nearly 20% of wrestlers were injured during matches. 

However, it is important to note that the type of injuries sustained in boxing and wrestling differ significantly. Boxing tends to result in more concussions and brain injuries, while wrestling tends to result in more joint injuries. 

As a result, it is difficult to say definitively which sport has a higher injury rate. However, what is clear is that both boxing and wrestling are incredibly dangerous activities that should only be undertaken by trained professionals.

Why Choose Boxing for Self Defense?

When it comes to boxing, the main focus is on striking. You will learn how to throw punches and how to defend yourself from them. Boxing is a great way to build up your strength and stamina and improving footwork. 

It is also a good way to learn how to control your emotions in a fight. However, one downside of boxing is that it does not teach you how to deal with someone who is trying to take you down or to defend yourself against kicks, knife attacks and so.

Why Choose Wrestling for Self Defense?

Wrestling, on the other hand, focuses on takedowns and ground fighting. You will learn how to take your opponent down and how to control them once they are on the ground. 

Wrestling is a great way to build up your strength and endurance. It is also a good way to learn how to control your emotions in a fight. 

However, one of the downsides of wrestling is that it does not teach you how to deal with someone who is trying to punch you, kick you or defend yourself against knife attacks or cold weapons.

Which Is Easier to Learn?

When it comes to learning a new combat sport, there are a few factors to consider. First, think about which style of fighting you are interested in. If you want to learn how to box, you will need to focus on stand-up striking, while wrestling involves taking your opponent to the ground and controlling them from there. 

Both sports require a great deal of athleticism and technique, so it is important to choose the one that best suits your interests and abilities. 

Another factor to consider is the amount of time you are willing to commit to training. Boxing and wrestling both require hours of dedicated practice in order to master the necessary skills. 

Therefore, if you are only able to dedicate a few hours per week to training, it is probably better to choose boxing, as it typically requires less time commitment than wrestling. Ultimately, the decision of which sport to learn depends on your own preferences and goals.

Which of the Two Can You Easily Get a Scholarship From?

There are a number of scholarships available for athletes in both boxing and wrestling. However, the amount of scholarship money available varies depending on the sport. 

For example, there are more scholarships available for boxing than for wrestling. In addition, the average scholarship award for boxing is higher than the average scholarship award for wrestling. 

As a result, it is easier to get a scholarship for boxing than for wrestling. However, it is important to note that both sports require a great deal of dedication and hard work in order to be successful. 

Therefore, athletes who are interested in either sport should make sure to put in the necessary time and effort in order to achieve their goals.

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